5 Foods That’ll Boost Your Gut Health

Want a happy gut? From fermented foods to prebiotics, here’s how to give your gut microbiome a much-needed makeover and improve your wellbeing.

Collectively known as the gut microbiome, the rich array of bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in your intestinal tract have a crucial role to play in your health. From helping you process nutrients in the food you eat to bolstering your immune system and even communicating with your brain — the microbial ecosystem is your body’s jack-of-all-trades.

And it’s shaped largely by what you eat. Think of your gut as being a vast microbial world, full of interesting, colorful living creatures who need a varied diet in order to thrive. So you boost your probiotics to increase bacterial diversity in the first place – and then you bring in prebiotics for all those good bacteria to feast on.

The best way to do that is by eating loads of fermented foods: yogurts, kimchi, kombucha, and kefir. Cultures that they’re alive (yes, alive!) when they’re consumed.

Unlock Your Microbiome

5 fermented friends that’ll help you strike the right balance.

1. Kimchi: Pickled Korean Cabbage

This Korean staple is taking over the world — and for good reason. Great in pancakes, heaped on some noodles, or even as an accompaniment to KFC (Korean Fried Chicken): this peppy, fiery pickle isn’t just an excellent source of microbes, it’s delicious.

Best of all, kimchi is surprisingly easy to prepare at home with little more than a clean jar and a bit of patience.

2. Kombucha: Fermented Green Or Black Tea

The world’s been fizzing over kombucha for a while — the sparkling soft drink is brimming with beneficial microbes and classic probiotic bacteria. Part of kombucha’s appeal is that its twangy taste can be altered and enhanced by adding fruits and spices, which makes it attractive to those of us who might otherwise find the whole fermented thing a little intimidating.

Good stuff, and probably on tap at your favorite bar, too! Sure beats a hangover, in any case.

3. Kefir: Cultured Milk From The Mountains Of The Caucasus

Light, fresh, and just zippy enough to jolt you right awake — kefir is an essential part of the happy gut’s balanced breakfast. Throw it back with your granola in the mornings; you’ll soon see what we’re talking about!

4. Miso: Traditional Japanese Soya Bean And Koji Seasoning

Miso is the lazy cook’s dream ingredient — it can just as easily become a bowl of warming, savory soup to slurp up in a hurry as it can a rich, velvety walnut butter to take your time with. Mellow and gently salty with an almost floral fragrance: if there were ever a perfect condiment, you can be sure it’d be miso.

5. Our Super Brew Lattes

Forget espresso with hot milk – try one of our sensational, all-conquering super brews and sip on something special.

  • Magyk Matcha:

A rich, earthy palate of ceremonial Matcha and Moringa Tree leaves plant us firmly beneath lush forest canopies. Balancing the grounding effects of verdant Earth medicine, ancient nootropics give flight to the mind, tapping into the higher states of joy and bliss.

  • Rose Petal Chai:

A sensorial feast of rose petals and warm chai goodness softens the edges of the day and transports you to a place of deep relaxation and spirit connection. Sacred super herbs, earthy adaptogens, nootropics, and medicinal mushrooms blend seamlessly, removing barriers and blockages.

  • Cacao High:

A raw Cacao-based formulation enhanced with brain-boosting medicinal Mushrooms, elevating super herbs, nootropics, and adaptogens to liberate the mind of old ways of thinking, awaken the spirit, and invigorate the body.

  • Golden Mylk:

A beloved Turmeric and Coconut-based formula inspired by the Ayurvedic wellness drink, our Golden Mylk offers a delicious way to transport medicinal Mushrooms and rejuvenating Superherbs, delivering relief for inflammatory conditions, digestive distress, and stiffness.

To be enjoyed prior to or after your bespoke service at Beautiology Studio & Spa