The 411 On Dry Brushing

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know.

Bye, cellulite. 

Let’s get one thing straight: your dimpled legs are nothing to be ashamed of. But if cellulite’s got you down, there is another beauty tool you can turn to in the quest for smooth, radiant skin: the dry body brush.

Dry-brushing is one of those massively underrated beauty habits we’ve all heard about but somehow managed to go without trying. 

It’s cheap, effective and takes all of five minutes — just ask eternally-glowy-skinned goddesses Miranda Kerr and Elle Macpherson who swear by the practice. 

Brush Your Way To Gorgeous, Beaming Skin. 

Wait, really? 

Yes, really: There's science behind this centuries-old-practice and it really works — when you’re regular about it. Look, we know it’s hard enough getting out of bed in the morning, but the results of a minute or two of body brushing a day (fine, or every other day) speak for themselves.

Dry body brushing stimulates the connective tissue attached to the capillaries sitting under the skin, thus improving circulation. It can also encourage lymphatic drainage around the body, which rids the body of pathogens and toxins more quickly. 

But What Is Dry Brushing? 

Brush up on the basics. 

Dry brushing is pretty much exactly what it sounds like — using a coarse brush (gently!) against the skin to stimulate circulation and slough off dead cells — that’s it. 


What’s Dry Brushing Even Do? 

You don’t have to be a wellness-worshipping-celebrity to see results.

1. Exfoliate Without Harsh Scrubs

As we age, our skin’s natural exfoliation process slows down. The good news is that you don’t have to resort to brutal, skin-ravaging scrubs to do something about it! Dry body brushing is a great way to reap the benefits of exfoliation without scrub-scrub-scrubbing. 

Plus, regular exfoliation helps your skin better absorb all that magical stuff in your body-creams and serums. Cha-ching. 

2. No More Ingrown Hairs

Is there anything worse than pesky ingrown hairs? It seems like no matter what we do, there’s always at least one new one waiting for us every time we shave. Ugh

Regular body brushing promotes faster cell turnover, keeping your limbs looking and feeling smooth and supple, so whether you wax or shave, you can be sure those ingrown hairs are a thing of the past!

3. Reinvigorate And Refresh.

Are your energy levels on the floor? Is your morning espresso not quite hitting the spot like it used to? Do you envy the energizer bunny?

You don’t have to be overzealous about it — even gentle brushing will stimulate blood flow and circulation, lending your everything a much-needed boost!

Here’s How You Dry Brush:

You brush your teeth, you brush your hair, you brush your eyebrows . . . why should your body miss out on all the fun? 

Our line of organic, sustainably-produced body-brushes make it easy to get your brush on without costing the planet. 

You’re welcome!