Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Microneedling

Here’s the deal. Microneedling.

Let’s get rollin’.

There’s not a whole lot we haven’t tried in our pursuit of youthful, glowing skin.

New-fangled lotions, potions and secret sauces, green juices (sorry; no amount of peanut butter is getting that much kale into us), and even those expensive supplements that all come Influencer-recommended ™ — if we think it’ll get rid of our hyperpigmentation and crow’s feet, we’ve already thrown money at it.

What’s everyone doing now? Microneedling. You've probably heard all about it. Maybe you thought “YIKES! No way am I rolling tiny needles into my skin!” Or maybe you were like *adds to cart*. Or maybe you’ve got no clue what microneedling actually is.

What Is Microneedling?

Next stop: smooth skin.

Microneedling involves using a needle-studded wand to drive tiny holes into the skin with the goal of stimulating collagen production and diminishing the appearance of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and even stretch marks.

But let’s get one thing straight: microneedling is far more effective when performed by a professional. Those at-home derma rollers aren’t as sharp as in-office microneedles and don’t penetrate the skin quite as deeply, either.

Another benefit of going the pro-route is that the dermatologist or aesthetician performing the procedure can select the exact depth suited to each patient's skin type and condition and use robotic precision delivery to penetrate as deeply as 3.5 millimeters at 0.1-millimeter increments — that’s tailored, personalized treatment it’s impossible for you to replicate at home.

Does It Work?

Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes.

Yes. In the hands of someone with qualified needling experience — like an aesthetician or dermatologist — microneedling can yield spectacular results. However, it’s important to note that it’s hardly a one-and-done procedure. For microneedling to be truly effective, it requires a series of treatments and you’ll often see it being used in tandem with laser work.

Does It Hurt?

What does microneedling feel like? Like the best facial ever. While it might seem intimidating at first, microneedling is really no big deal! After the numbing cream has done its job, you can expect the procedure to feel like a gentle buzzing with perhaps a bit of sensitivity on the upper lip or forehead where the skin is thinner.

What’s The Downtime Look Like?

Peep that glow.

Microneedling is a non-invasive procedure — that means no significant downtime. You’ll experience some redness and minor swelling immediately and there’ll likely be some lingering pinkness a few hours on but that’s the extent of it. Your seriously radiant complexion will be the only indication your needling-visit happened at all.

How Much Does It Cost?

Book Your Consultation

We charge $300 for a single session and $150 for maintenance sessions thereafter. Our goal is to get you to a place where you can feel really, genuinely good about your skin and then help you maintain it.